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Friday, December 15, 2017

Center of the Cosmos

Center of the Cosmos

Where is the center of the Cosmos? Is there an edge to the Universe? What lies beyond that? In a two-dimensional universe, curved through a third dimension, there is no center – at least not on the surface of the sphere.

The center of such a universe is not in that universe; it lies, inaccessible, in the third dimension, inside the sphere. While there is only so much area on the surface of the sphere, there is no edge to this universe. The universe is finite but unbounded. The question of what lies beyond is meaningless. Flat creatures cannot, on their own, escape their two dimensions.

Increase all dimensions by one, and you have the situation that may apply to us: the universe as a four-dimensional hyper-sphere with no center and no edge, and nothing beyond.

The center of the Cosmos is not in our universe (quotations from Megan Jorgensen). Image: © M. Jorgensen (Elena)

Why do all the galaxies seem to be running away from us? The hyper-sphere is expanding from a point, like a four-dimensional balloon, being inflated, creating in every instant more space in the universe.

Sometime after the expansion begins, galaxies condense and are carried outward on the surface of the hyper-sphere.

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