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Monday, December 18, 2017

Noni, the Super Fruit

Noni, the Super Fruit

Noni (or Indian Mulberry) grows year-round in Costa Rica, and it is an irregular shaped fruit that grows on small shrubs or trees. Noni are native to Polynesia.

Originally, the Hawaiians used this fruit as a tonic for many different illnesses. The Noni fruit is full of many powerful antioxidants and compounds that are believed to increase vitality.

Among the wide-ranging benefits are that it is rich in selenium which promotes skin elasticity and skin health), xeronine, which promotes cell structure health and regeneration, scopoletin (it has anti-inflammatory properties) and terpine (it helps the body detoxify).

Many stay away from this amazing super-food because of the pungent odor. But once you move past the smell and begin to receive the endless benefits, you will not ever look back.

Noni jus, the superfruit, photo by Elena

In fact, noni has many uses. It can be used externally as a poultice to draw out excess fluids and rebuild the tissues. You can also use it in your eyes (for example, after a long sunny surf session), because it soothes sunburnt eyeballs like you wouldn’t believe!

Internally, as it enters your system, your body will instantly feel invigorated on all levels as it regenerates cells and eliminates bacteria.

As you take a sip of noni, you will receive an instant high, serotonin boosting, stimulation from this super fruit that guarantees to make you feel alive.

Aside from smoothies, you can make a tea from the leaf, which helps digestion, eliminates toxins, and maintains normal blood sugar levels. To learn more about noni, find the full article and a great-tasting smoothing recipe at

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