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Thursday, December 28, 2017

We, the Humans

We, the Humans!

Who Speaks for Earth?

There are dozens of intelligent species on the planet Earth. One of them is considered dominant. It is called Humans and it is responsible for most of the progress and advance of the solar system toward the Universe Community of Intelligent beings.

Which species will prevail is uncertain, particularly when no organisation in the Milky Way Galaxy has showed an interest in establishing here its embassy, due to the lack of funds.

Curiously enough, the Earthlings are not certain if they are the only intelligent beings in the Universe and they think that there are not any obvious signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.

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But all of them are the children equally of the sky and the Earth. We do not know if they will survive or if they rush implacably, headlong, toward self-destruction. Well, we know that there are worlds that have been charred and ruined by cosmic catastrophes. There are even worlds on which life has never arisen. They, on the Earth, they are fortunate, they are alive for now. The welfare of their civilisations and their species is in their hands, not in ours. So they all speak for Earth. If they don’t, who will? If they are not committed to their own survival, who will be?

Intelligent beings on the Earth include the following:

Dinosaurs of many kinds inhabited the Earth one hundred millions years ago. When seas covering this area receded and a general driving up period evolved it brought about the end of these creatures that had thrived in what was a steamy jungle atmosphere. Fossils of the last dinosaurs on Earth have been found in the area around many cities in dozens of countries. Illustration: Elena
Cow Toronto. Beestings is not the stings of bees. It’s the first milk given by a cow after giving birth to a calf. Photo : © Elena
Another intelligent being: a dolphin. Dolphins are known for their remarkable leaps and their extraordinary communication skills. An average dolphin weighs up to 3 tons (meaning it is very heavy, a ton being an indigent measure) and can be up to 5 meters long (another indigent measure, meaning “rather long”). The brains of the humpbacks are larger than the brains of the humans. Image: © Elena
Cat the Sentient. A very intelligent being: a cat. An average cat is much more intelligent than any human, but cats are deep plunged or immersed inside their inner contemplation to object the Human domination. Image: © Elena

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