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Saturday, January 27, 2018

Communication Skills

Verbal, Non-verbal, Visual, Written Communication

There are always different ways of encouraging a positive response from your vis-à-vis.

There exist body language, spoken language and mirroring in any communication. Look at the other person’s body language and you’ll see how the person is sitting, how he moves his arms and hands. Notice the type of spoken language the person is using. Then try to mirror these. Through this act you will begin to create similarities in the listener’s mind. It is very important not to overdo this, though. Do it subtly, otherwise you run the risk of being seen as false or sarcastic.

Shaking the hands

When delivering any message in person, remember to give a firm handshake to those who are in easy reach of you. This is not to say that you should crush the other people’s hand, but rather grip with a confident assertiveness.

There has also been in the previous times somewhat of a double standard, providing a limp of loose handshake when greeting a woman. Today, this is advised against, and while you should look not to grip too hard, a firm grasp will show a belief in equality and a trust in the other person’s abilities.

It is also important that you seem passionate about what you are saying. This can be achieved through your body language. It is estimated that some 70% of the message you transmit come not from our words but from our body language.

Even the animals have good communication skills. Photo: Elena

Have good posture

When you are delivering a message, ensure that your body is upright. This applies when either sitting or standing. It can be of great advantage to use your hands.  For example, you could spread your arms with palms upward, transmitting an appearance of transparency and openness.

Another useful tool is what has been coined the power thumbs. This is in place of pointing, which is often seen as aggressive and intrusive. Power thumbs can be used by holding a gripped fist with your thumbs slightly extended, which you then move up and down forcefully to the beat of each point.

Demonstrate that the message is getting through

If you nod or shake your head at appropriate moments, the speaker will know that you are engaged in the conversation and again feel more comfortable with you. Besides facial expressions that demonstrate that you understand the message delivered with further prove that you are listening.

A way to get the person to continue speaking is to offer tones of encouragement. As you verbally agree with them or respond, people will continue to elaborate on their message, giving your further information to use in construction your response.

Confirm your heard the key points

Once the speaker has finished, you want to make sure that you have understood the key aspects of the message. Repeat what you have heard them say in sentences such as “if I have understood you correctly” or “If I could just confirm”. If your deductions are correct, you will then be able to build your response more closely to target their points.

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