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Saturday, January 20, 2018

Energy Field

Energy Field

Apart from indicating the presence of water, computer was incapable of providing a molecular or submolecular analysis. It seemed that the same energy field that kept the water in the cloud as it moved through space also effectively shielded it from deep scan. Without knowing more about the actual state of the mass, the computer was having a hard time predicting the effects of the numerous hypothetical deterrents, the NASA scientists were trying to simulate.

They had begun to toy with the idea of attempting to reach the cloud before it moved closer to the Earth and before its configuration shifted due to the solar gravity. The situation didn’t seem grim, the humans just wished to provide more data for the computer to chew on, but apart from mere scientific interest for a number of new theoretical premises, there were still no concerns.

The destruction of the humanity became evident only in a couple of months.

(Extract from The Rain, the famous SF novel by Elena and George).

Energy Field. Illustration by Elena

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