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Monday, January 15, 2018

Hierarchy of Universes

Hierarchy of Universes

There exists a strange idea. This conjecture is one of the most haunting and evocative in religion and science. Well, this idea in entirely undemonstrated and it may never be proved. But it stirs the blood.

There is, according to this concept, an infinite hierarchy of universes, so that an elementary particle, such as an electron, in our universe would, if penetrated, reveal itself to be an entire closed universe.

Within this new world, organized into the local equivalent of galaxies, are an immense number of much tinier elementary particles. Every one of them are universes at the next level and son on forever. We deal here with an infinite downward universes within universes, an endless regression. And upward as well. Thus our familiar universe of galaxies and stars, planets and people, continents and houses, billiard tables and pretty ladies in red, would be a single elementary particle in the next universe up, the very first step of another infinite regress (or progress, it depends, of course).

(Extract from The Rain, the famous SF novel by Elena and George.)

Our Universe is very strange. Photo by Elena.

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