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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Alien Races

Alien Races

The Meguti once occupied a Class-M planet in sector 191 of the Delta Quadrant and were known for the complexity of their architectural structures, which survived hundreds of thousands of years after they became extinct.

The Rurokitan were a migratory race who covered dozens of sectors some sixty thousand light years from our present location and were last heard from four hundred years ago. Hrimshee was worshipped for two thousand years by the Now, who waged war in his name with the Venti and disappeared from all records over a thousand years ago.

Alien race can look like this. Photo: Elena

Occidon’s Parush Desert had once been home to hundreds of nomadic tribes. Its northern edge was bordered by high stone cliffs in which countless caves had been carved and where archeologists had spent years analysing the illuminated texts that decorated the walls. Most of them were creation stories detailing the romances of Occidon’s single sun and the four sisters, or moons visible in the night sky. Unlike many similar civilizations, Parush’s inhabitants were unique in that they seemed perfectly agreeable to disagreeing among themselves about their origin stories.

Kirsten Beyer The Children of the Storm

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