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Monday, March 12, 2018

Drugs of Abuse and What They Do

Drugs of Abuse and What They Do

Cocaine use is down since the mid-1980s. Marijuana use is off, too, although millions still smoke it.

Amphetamines: Often called speed or uppers. What it does: Speeds up physical and mental processes. Visible signs of use: Weight loss, dilated pupils, insomnia, irritability, trembling. Long-term effects: Paranoia, extreme weight loss, violent behavior.

Barbiturates: Often called downers. What it does: Produces extreme lethargy and drowsiness. Visible signs of use: Blurred and confused speech, lack of coordination and balance. Long-term effects: Disruption of sleeping pattern, double vision, risk of death from overdose, especially when used in conjunction with alcohol.

Cannabis: Includes marijuana and hashish, often called chronic, dope, pot, grass, hash. What it does: Relaxes mind and body, heightens perception, causes mood swings. Visible signs of use: Red eyes, dilated pupils, increased appetite, lack of physical coordination, lethargy. Long-term effects: Brain, heart, lung, reproductive system damage.

Cocaine: Often called candy, coke, blow, crack. What it does: Stimulates nervous system and produces heightened sensations and sometimes hallucinations. Visible signs of use: Dilated pupils, trembling, apparent intoxication, agitation, rapid breathing, elevated blood pressure. Long-term effects: Ulceration of nasal passages and perforated septum (area separating the nostrils) if drug is snorted. Generalized itching, which can produce open sores. Very possible heart failure.

Bob Marley. Photo by Elena

Opiates: Including opium, morphine, heroine, methadone, as well as synthetic painkillers. What it does: Relieves physical and mental pain and produces temporary euphoria. Visible signs of use: Weight loss, lethargy, mood swings, sweating, slurred speech, sore eyes, drowsiness. Long-term effects: Constipations, extreme risk of infection, including hepatitis and HIV, if drug is injected and needles are shared. Absence of periods in women. Possibility of death from overdose.

Psychedelic Drugs: Including lysergic acid (LSD) and mescaline, as well as “designer drugs” such as ecstasy (MDMA). What it does: Unpredictable. Usually produces hallucinations and intense introspection, which may be pleasant or extremely frightening. Visible signs of use: Dilated pupils, sweating, trembling, sometimes fever and chills. Long-term effects: Possibly irresponsible behavior.

Volatile Substances: Includes the inhaled fumes of glue or cleaning fluids. What it does: Produces hallucinations, giddiness, euphoria, unconsciousness. Visible signs of use: Obvious confusion, dilated pupils, flushed face. Long-term effects: Risk of brain, liver or kidney damage, possible suffocation from inhalation.

Bob Marley Museum. Photo by Elena.

Bob Marley Piano. Photo by Elena.

Cannabis grows in Jamaica. Photo by Elena

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