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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Jupiter Module

Jupiter Module

After leaving Daniel in the command module, Odry made her way down the station’s central tunnel until she passed through the double hatch marking the boundary between the station proper and the Jupiter module.

The lab of the Jup Module was even murkier than the connecting tunnel. The gray floor and salmon ceiling blended into a single, dismal blah. Odry moved through the snadows cast by the equipment and floated toward the end of the module, heading for the bulky figure waiting for her there.

The station’s goal is to develop bioremediation techniques, using genetically engineered microorganisms, to help reverse the environmental damage done to our planet by generation water, soil and air pollution.

The Jupiter Project was a joint effort between the European Space Agency and NASA to test humans for a planned flight to Jupiter. The original purpose of the project was to stimulate the rigors of an actual flight to that distant planet. A dozen men and women had been selected to spend five full years in space.

The project though gradually metamorphosed into a study of the subtle stressed microgravity places on the human body and the not-so-subtle conflicts that can arise when people live in close quarters for extended periods of time.


Odry was more English than Big Ben (or tried to be). Image: Elena

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