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Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Toronto's Graffiti

Toronto's Graffiti

Toronto is an amazing city. While not the official capital of Canada, which is Ottawa, Toronto is the largest and most populous city in the country. Naturally, with big crowds come all kinds of art forms, including street art. But what is street art? Does a well done graffiti qualifies as street art? The answer depends on personal opinion. Art in general is subjective, and while some people would be willing to spend millions on an artwork, others may not consider said artwork art at all. 

Therefore, below is a collection of photographs of the different depictions Toronto has to offer, including murals, professional artists’ work and amateur graffiti. We hope you enjoy our gallery, where you can judge for yourself whether the images portray genuine art or not.

Toronto is a beautiful and cosmopolitan city, with many tourist attractions and much more. However, aside from museums and historical sites, there are also less mainstream art in the form of graffiti or wall paintings. At times it is difficult to differentiate between the two, other times not. For example, in Montreal, in the area of Foufounes Electriques, a popular dance club downtown, there is a very special backyard where all the buildings are painted sophisticated graffiti style. Even though the style of the paintings is graffiti, they are often done by professionals during the day or in broad daylight. Thus, the following section is an extensive collection of street art, whether it be done by professional artists, marginalized artists or simply something in between. We hope you enjoy Toronto's colourful underground scenery.

Graffiti is a crime, unless made at the request, or at least the explicit consent of, the owner of the property being painted on. However, even that condition fails to be enough in jurisdictions where graffiti are banned altogether. Still, elsewhere, professional painters are sometimes hired to liven up urban areas. Nonetheless, alternatively, a large part of such wall drawings are clandestine, and associated with disadvantaged neighborhoods and large cities.

Boxing Girl, graffiti. Purple, yellow, green, pink, red and other colors.
Christie Ossington Neighbourhood. R. Cortez, D.M. McCallum, G. Patterson, J. Yoon, Jafar. Contact. Young brunette woman
Gym Graffiti. How long was that car parked there?
Bird and other animals
Bathurst street, an Eye
David Bowie.
Cypress Hill graffiti.
Bathurst street
R. Cortez, D.M. McCallum, G. Patterson, J. Yoon, Jafar. Contact.

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