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Sunday, April 22, 2018

Larry Stefon Park

Larry Stefon Park in Toronto Downtown

Larry Sefton Park, in memory of their great friend. 

Larry Sefton Park was built and donated to the city of Toronto by members of the United Steelworkers of America. Larry Sefton was a compassionate, generous and courageous man whose was that people should have the opportunity they require to enrich the human spirit in everyone. He brought the love for his family and friends to every task that meant a better life for someone. As a union leader, he practiced his creed of helping others. 

Larry Sefton Park celebrates what he devoted his life to achieve: public recognition of working people and their unions, co-operation of friends from many places toward a common commitment they share, and the appreciation of the vital unity of mankind and nature.

For 20 years as director of district 6 of the steelworkers union, Larry Sefton was an inspiration to thousands of union members in Canada and elsewhere. The many privileged to have known him have contributed to keep his goal alive: organizing, building, and improving the world in some way every day. “No greater faith hats any man”

On June 21, 1936 in Hamilton, Ontario, the Canadian section of the steelworkers organizing committee was born with a dream of social and economic justice for working people. Renamed the USWA in 1942, it became one of the world`s largest unions, embracing over a million workers.

This plaque was erected in commemoration of the USWA`50th anniversary and the outstanding accomplishments of its members. (Leo W. Gerard, Director, District 6; E. Gérard Docquier, National Director; Lynn R. WilliamsInt-l President. Cast of members of local 6363 USWA and Neelon casing ltd., Sudbury. Mourn for the dead, fight for the living.

United Steelworkers of America. Photo by Elena
Mourn for the dead, fight for the living. Photo by Elena
The plaque erected. Photo by Elena

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