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103a Films: 103a films can be obtained in 36-exposure, 135 cassettes for about S7 from Optica b/c Company. These films deteriorate unless refrigerated until needed, so “thaw” the film for about four hours before use. Kodak D-19 developer is recommended by Kodak for 103 emulsions. (Not all camera stores carry D-19, and if necessary you can use the more readily available D-76). MWP-2 is a “superdeveloper” formulated at Hale Observatories for 103 films. It is available from Clayton Chemical Co., 3867 S. Grandview Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90066.
103 films comes with a black annihilation backing (called a Ram-Jet backing) which prevents exposure of the light sensitive surface by light reflected from the back side of the film. This backing should dissolve in the developer, though it occasionally doesn’t. However, it can easily be removed after the fil m is half fixed: Rub the back with a cotton swab, soaked with developer, rinse in water, and finish the fixing.
Speed up your film – With water: Exposure time can be shortened by hypersensitization of the film. You can hypersentisize E and F films quite simply by washing them in cold water. A method that works well is to tape the film cassette to a wire suspended well above a table in a dark room. Then pull as much film as you to hypersentisize from the cassette. A deep glass of cold (about 40 degrees Fahrenheit), dilute Kodak Photoflo solution should be brought up under the film, and the film immersed for about two minutes. Be sure the water is cold – warmer water could dissolve the emulsion off the film. After removing the film from the glass, weight it with a clothespin so it hangs down without curling. Cold air from a hairdryer blown over both sides of the film for about 20 minutes will thoroughly dry it. You can touch the edges and back of the film to see if they are dry, as well as part of the emulsion near the clothespin. Then, wind the film back into the cassette. Suspending the film seems to be the best way of preventing fingerprints on the emulsion.
Hypersensitization will wear off in a few days – unless you want to place the film in the freezer, where it should last for up to five weeks – so hypersensitize only as much film as you’ll need for each night’s photography.
A Pink Planet. Illustration: Elena |
Edmund Scientific Co:All Tel escopes in Shop
Ready for immediate shipment.
Shop Astronomical HQ. USA by Mail… And Save
Edmund gives you the largest selection, guarantees every item, all in stock for speedy delivery.
The famous Edmund catalog, offered free, details a huge display of telescopes, from 3” reflectors to 8” Cassegrains. You’ll also find a tremendous variety of eyepieces, lenses, finders, drives, mounts; morror grinding and polishing kits, parts, accessories – everything needed to build or equip your own scope. It contains 4500 unusual Science, Optical, Hobby values!
Photo: Elena |
A. 4 1/4 “ Astronomical Telescope
Features fine f/10 mirror (verified better than 1/10 wave with a scatter plate interferometer) which insures performance to theoretical limit of resolution. Equatorial mount; rack and pinion focusing; aluminum tube, 6X finder, 25mm F.L. 45X Kelinar achromatic eyepiece and Barlow lens to double and triple power to 135X, includes FREE Star Chart, 2 Books.
# 85,107K3 (Clock Drive) Shipping weight 45 lbs – $199.50 FOB
# 85,107K3 (w/o Clock Drive) Shipping weight 42 lbs – $159,50 FOB
B. True zoom Telescope Eye Piece
C. Low cost variable speed drive and slow motion control
D. The extra power 20×60 binocular NASA chose for Apollo
E. All about telescopes by Sam Brown
F. Color super slide sets
G. Polaroid instrument astro camera
Deep Spice. Photo by Elena |
Buy your new Celestron 5 or 8 Telescope from Tuthill. Stock Deivery: Free advice to present Celestron owners: Would you like to have increased protection from dewing – make lining up on the celestial pole a snap without leveling your tripod or knowing your latitude – look at the zenith easily with a large variable power finder – adjust the tripod height for sitting or standing – increase the fine adjustment of the right-ascension knob – see the setting circles with built-in lights – have a five pound sturdy portable equatorial mount which duplicates the wedge and tripod function but which stores in the box – motorize your manual declination adjustment – increase your declination circle resolution five times – have a Velvet Touch helical eyepiece focuser – have a fitted box liner for scope and accessories – carry your valuable scope securely with a sturdy retractable handle?
Write today for our Free Catalog or unique items that will enhance your pleasure in using these beautiful world-renowned instruments. We stock all the standard CELESTRON accessories, too. We invite your inquiries for our Custom Engineered Accessories for other scopes.
All you have come to expect
Another new product from our laboratories A Stereoocular on a Celestron
An astronomical accessory which lets you view with both eyes simultaneously. There is something magical about seeing the Moon, Sun, Planets, and even stars with two eyes at the same time. If you once use this Stereoocular, you may never want to view with only one eye again!
Even though the reason is not clear, those who have used the Stereoocular claim they see a three dimensional effect. These units are of our own design and have large high quality binocular microscope instrument prisms. They give very restful heavenly views.
The Stereoocular can be used with or without glasses with interpupillary adjustment from 56-75mm. It gives a full view with 1- 1/4″ eyepieces and fits standard 1 – 1/4″ draw tubes. The Stereoocular works well with refractors or CELESTRON or Dynamax scoops. It is a valuable teaching aid as two people can view at the same time. It is essential that MATCHED eyepieces be used for best results.
Stereoocular Model #1 (use your matched eyepieces) – $244.00
Steroocular Model #2 (includes two matched 1 – 1/4″ Orthoscopic eyepieces of 6, 12.5, 18 or 25mm) State choice $279.00
Stereoocular Model #3 (includes two matched 20mm Erfle eyepieces $289.00
Money-back guarantee on all products we sell. Telephone 201-232-…
Roger W. Tuthill, Inc. Box 1086A, 11 Tanglewood Lane, Mountainside, N.J. 07092.