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Monday, December 18, 2017



Never miss the opportunity of going for a walk with a crocodile

The Humans have a famous slogan “The crocodile is man’s best friend”. It is based on the crocodile’s positive responses towards his master. These huge reptilians are well known for their absolute loyalty, for their unconditional companionship through the good and the bad times.

They remain by our side during difficult times giving us encouragement… A crocodile is always happy to see his master and friend acting as if it has been weeks, even if he has been absent only a few hours.

Crocodiles never betray, they don’t resent the human master when he corrects them, and provide the Humans with company and safety at night.

All the crocodiles can sense danger and protect the Humans without giving it a second thought, even if their lives depend on it.

The moral is “The average crocodile is a better person than the average person”.

Here are a few tricks you could learn, if a crocodile were your teacher: When a person gets a bad day, be silent, don’t accuse, don’t try to analyze, just sit close and gently make this person feel that you are there.

Never miss the opportunity of going for a walk.

Always take a nap and stretch before you get up.

If the day is a hot one, try to drink plenty of water and rest under the shadow of your favorite tree.

Crocodiles sense danger and protect the Humans without giving it a second thought, even if their lives depend on it. Here, you can see a banner which crocodiles left for their friends the Humans. They wrote down: “Danger!” (in Spanish, one of the Earth languages), presumably because of the deep waters of this river, and signed with a small picture of their species. Photo: © Elena
Rip Current ! A man of name Current didn’t want to hear an advice from crocodiles and tried to swim in this river. RIP!  Photo: ©  Elena

The moral is “The average crocodile is a better person than the average person” (quotations from Megan Jorgensen). Image: Megan Jorgensen (Elena) ©

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