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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Universe: Life and Life

Universe: Life and Life 

 A common saying states that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Similarly, many will argue that art is subjective. Below is a collection of pictures designed to prove these two statements.

In the gallery you will find photos I like more than other pictures I have taken. I am not talking about artistic and professional qualities here. Just pics I love and I prefer. Some of them played an important role in my life. I regularly add photos to this gallery, so I invite you to come and see them from time to time.

Stars: Sketches and Other Images 

 Doubtless, stars have fascinated humanity since times immemorial. Below are some images, including a sketch (rough or unfinished drawing) – all featuring stars, or the stellar bodies that jointly with other elements, compose cosmic space.

Once upon a time, far, far East. Natural landscape sketch. Runes.

Young purple haired woman on a mountain top. Or just a branch of a tree.

A colorful portal to another world (fictional). Neon Light planet.

Forest. Or drawing of a photo in the fashion of the Old (Wild) West.

A stream brook, oil painting style. Geometric figures. Fractal?

In most cultures, this gesture signifies a greeting. But it's an abstract picture.

Turquoise fantasy. Three respectful eggs awaiting to pass to another dimention.

At high sea: When mountains get flooded and the world is going to vanish.

Wall decoration. Stick figures in the 21st Century. Or something else.

Animated fractals, a variant. Or maybe a painting of an ice.

Hum... or else waterfalls seen from below, genre: oil painting.

Blue, flying sculptures. Fafard Cow. Surreal!

Maybe a painting of a volcano erupting ash and smoke, or just peaceful scene.

The Stunning Sisters. Just to give the name to this nice scene in the forest.

Gorgeous white, fluffy and playful kitten (or squirrel, it depends on the Universe.

A shop window with plates. They patiently wait.

A very sad and dark scene of life, even when the sky is blue.

Decoration in face of a Toronto building on the Bay street.

When we die we are reborn as trees, they say.

Or we may be squirrels in our new life, who knows?

Try to live a bright life just no to end up in the dark.

Qhy do they like this sort of decoration on the streets?

Who this tree has been when it was a human being?

Just an exercise using some pictures, nothing serious.

Beautiful white cat with green eyes hidden behind the door.

When warm and cold tones meet, basket relief style.

A brave tree resisting to all the inclemency of the nature.

An artistic squirrel used to be a dancer when it was a human.

A lonely plane gooing far, very far away.

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