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Sunday, January 14, 2018

Victoria Park III

Victoria Park III

No one will tell you what grief is or how you may experience it. You can't imagine what to expect. You feel bewildered and you wonder it you are in your right mind. When I die, I hope someone will miss me enough to shed a tear or two, but not more, please!

Slowly you begin to experience an emotional reaction to the death of your loved one.

We are all different, there is no predictable timetable, but it may happen one day.

Nonetheless, some of the emotions connected to grief cause confusion.

When the death of a person you love comes, some people cannot cry.

Because people are in shock, they cannot believe what has happened.

When tears do emerge, some people cry a lot and other cry less.

Some people push back their tears because they feel others are expecting them to be strong.

But don't push back your tears - doing this may lead to problems later, and you'll cry.

Crying is a normal reaction to a loss, don't try to hide these emotions, cry if you feel so.

How can we be expected not to cry, if we have had a loss?

They say - "your loved one wouldn't want you to cry."

We miss the person, we hurt, so if we feel like crying, we cry.

There is evidence to show that crying has a therapeutic value, as has been already proved.

Stress produces unhealthy chemicals; the body gets rid of them through the tear ducts.

That we miss the person enough to shed a tear is a high compliment to the relationship.

Accept the grief. When you feel tears arising, do not suppress them.

Big girls do cry, and so do real men, do not be afraid to cry. It may help.

Do not be afraid to show emotions in front of children, it does no harm.

When children see adults cry and grieve, they learn that it is okey to have feelings.

Express your feeling. In the grieving process you may find it difficult to concentrate.

You cannot think straight when you suffer a loss. You can't analyze anything. Impossible.

You find yourself in the middle of a sentence and suddenly you forget what you were about to say.

You may have a sense of disorganization. At times you would forget even important appointments.

You can recall little details about events in the distant past, yet some days you forget everything.

Sometimes you cannot remember whether or not you had eaten lunch.

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