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Friday, June 15, 2018

English Pug and French Poodle

The English Pug and the French Poodle 

These bronze statues can be seen in the square across from the Notre Dame Basilica (Place D'Armes). It is a play on the French/English dichotomy or dispute that goes on in Quebec. The Pug and the Poodle are trying to reach each other, while the owners are steadfastly looking away in an attitude of not wanting anything to do with each other. The people are being foolish in their attitude.The sculptures were created by Montreal artist Marc-André J. Fortier and were erected in 2013.

The English Pug depicts a tall, slender man dressed in a suit and wearing a bow tie. He is wearing an eye and nose mask while carrying a Pug in his arms. The Pug and the French Poodle are looking at each other across the plaza while the owners are looking in opposite directions.

Elegantly dressed and hidden behind masks, a man carries his English pug and a woman her French poodle. Satirical diptych questioning the roles that we play in the uncertainty of contemporary society, this duo also symbolizes the strained relationship that may exist between Francophones and Anglophones in Montreal, often for absurd reasons. 

A plaque at the base of the statue is inscribed: "The English Pug and the French Poodle ou/or "Le caniche français et le carlin anglais" Artiste: Marc A. J. Fortier. Fonderie: Atelier du Bronze.

French Poodle. Photo by Elena.

English Pug. Photo by Elena.

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