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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Mont Esja

Mont Esja

Dominating the Reykjavík city skyline and providing a stunning backdrop to the capital area is the majestic Mount Esja. Its proximity to the city has given it a special place in the hearts of Reykjavík locals, most of whom would have no way of figuring out which way north is without a view of the mountain. It’s even a popular motif in poems about Reykjavík, many of whom romanticise the view of the mountain across the water from the city centre. Esjan is a popular destination for hikers – no wonder because the view from the top of this 914-metre-high mountain is breathtaking.

There are different routes up and around the mountain and you can climb to a few different peaks, varying in terms of difficulty. The most popular route is to climb up (or towards) the peak Pvertfellshorn, at an altitude of 780 m. The path is divided into sections, with signs along the way, and the bus from Reykjavík stops by the parking lot. Each sign gives an indication of the difficulty of the path ahead with a grading system ranging from 1 boot (easy) to 3 boots (challenging).

Approximately 200 from the top, there’s a point marked with a big rock called « Steinn ». Most inexperienced climbers choose to stop here and take in the view before going down again, as the bath becomes increasingly difficult from there on, rockier and steeper. If you do get to the top, don’t forget to sign the guestbook!

Iceland, mounts and canyons. Photo by Olga

Mt. Esja is located in Kjalarnes, past the town of Mosfellsbaer east or Reykjavík. It is accessible by the number 15 bus from Hlemmur bus station. Get off at Haholt in Mosfellesbaer, then take the number 57 to the foot of Esja at Esjuskali.

Please remember to take care when climbing. Even though Esjan is a popular hiking spot, the notorisously fickle Icelandic weather can by tricky at higher altitudes and there can even be snow on the upper slopes. It can also be steep in places so make sure your shoes are up for the task. Follow your chosen route closely and check what the weather conditions are like before attempting a climb. Always let someone know where you’re going and when you intend to be back.

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