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Wednesday, August 8, 2018

If You're Canned

What to Do If You're Canned?

Relax, our expert says, this could be the biggest opportunity of your life

It's going to happen, you cannot avoid it – at some point in your career you will likely be fired or laid off. With many studies showing that most average American stays in a job for only five years, job loss has become a fact of life. Luckily, there is a lot you can do. We consulted a psychologist at Drake Beam and Morrin, an outplacement firm in New York City, and found some reassuring advice.

What can one do to avoid getting canned?

In this period of downsizing or to put it nicely, rightsizing, one always has to be prepared for the ax. However, there are two important things one can do: 1) Keep up with all the developments in your field by reading journals and taking continuing education courses; 2) The best techniques for avoiding “jobsolescence” is to initiate change instead of waiting for it.

What should you do if you hear that a firing or downsizing is imminent?

If you feel that your job is on the line, you should work out a severance plan – people fair better if they negotiate a severance package rather than wait for one to be presented to them. Also, always make sure that a lawyers reviews any papers and that you fully understand what you're agreeing to before you sign. In addition, while most people don't, you should keep a record of your evaluations and reports in case you think that you are being unfairly discharged. Keeping will also be helpful in preparing your résumé.

Many managerial positions and some professions are becoming overly crowded or obsolete. What should you do if you're faced with one of these possibilities?

There are two types of job skills – work content skills, such as teaching history, and work transferable skills but they have to become aware of them and cultivate them to roll with the punches of today's changing workplace. Getting fired also provides a perfect opportunity to brush up on important computer and technical skills that will be important for all jobs in the future.

How does one cope with getting fired?

Don't take it personally. Most of the time it was something that was bound to happen. Getting fired can be an important time of renewal – a time to get your act together. This means that one should not call everybody one knows helter-skelter asking for a job.

In our work we've run across so many people who have never sat down and figured what they wanted to do when they grew up. People who take the time to evaluate and plan their lives are better able to mesh and jobs they choose with their dreams of what they want to do.

Down and out and looking for a new job? You're red meat for headhunters. To find them check out  websites with directories of executive recruiters, which provide information on search firms. Photo by Elena.

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