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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Cure for Jet Lag

A Cure for Jet Lag at Last?

A non-prescription pill can help you readjust to a different time zone

Recent reports have suggested that travelers can avoid jet lag altogether by taking melatonin, a non-prescription medication. You can consult these recommendations:
What is melatonin and how does it work?

The substance melatonin is actually a natural hormone that all humans carry. In recent years scientists have come to a clearer understanding of how this substance is a crucial regulator of the human body clock. The hormone is released into the bloodstream according to a daily cycle that is determined by your body clock as it is influenced by darkness. During the day, melatonin secretion is suppressed by light; at nightfall, the pineal gland begins to secrete melatonin into the bloodstream.

Jet travel through different time zones interferes with this natural process because the body is left releasing melatonin on its old schedule. The body clock takes anywhere from 1 to 12 days to adjust, depending on the number of time zones a person has traveled (one time zone generally produces one day of jet lag).

When should one take melatonin?

Studies have shown and scientists now believe that a supplemental does of melatonin helps to bring body functions into sync with the day/night rhythm of the new time zone. Timing of the dosage is critical to its success, however. In trails, the best results occurred when subjects took the pill 30 to 90 minutes before bedtime on the day of the arrival and each day of travel thereafter as needed. In other words, travelers who are taking an overnight flight should not take the pill until the evening of the day they arrive.

Where does one buy melatonin?

Melatonin is widely available in a synthetic form that can be purchased as a nutritional supplement at health food stores, but there is no mention of jet lag relief on the bottle.

Expert tips

If you don't care to try the melatonin, here are some other jet lag remedies:

  • Begin observing mealtimes of your destination as soon as possible on your day of travel
  • Avoid alcohol while traveling
  • Avoid caffeine while traveling
  • Drink a pint of liquids during flight
  • Sleep according to the schedule of your destination.

Fly and enjoy the nature. Photo by Elena.

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