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Sunday, November 18, 2018

New Design

Manhattan – A New Design

The construction of an innovative buildings is difficult and often requires new techniques and special building materials. Many unexpected problems arise no matter how careful the advance planning may be. The architects and engineers face major obstacles to introduce innovative methods and to work out a way to actually build new buildings.

All the pictures have been taken by Elena.

A great building can reflect many different ideas and styles and tells us about the values and beliefs of the people who design and build it.
These buildings have thing, lightweight roof, which was made by pouring concrete over a tightly stretched wire mesh.
Ancient buildings around the world looked different because they were shaped by the building materials available. Each material inspired  a different construction method.
Broadway and Toronto Dominion Bank on sight.
Metals, plastic and glass from around the world are used in this buildings.
There are always many unexpected costs and delays in construction.
Their roofs are designed to be made of prestressed concrete.
Large international corporations are building impressive and functional buildings. Many of these giant buildings can be seen all over Manhattan.
As space became scarce, corporations needed high-rise buildings, so architects and engineers designed skycrapers to withstand earthquakes.
Modern buildings dot the New York  skyline, but modern lifestyles affect their future.
Each new generation of architects and engineers will face many new obstacles and technological opportunities.
Architects will create different building materials, methods and architectural styles to meet new challenges. 
St. Andrew's church in the heart of Manhattan.
Trinity church, one of the oldest Christian temples on Manhattan.
Stone Jungle. New York, New York.
Place in front of the Trump Center, near the Central Park of New York.

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