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Friday, December 7, 2018

God-Kings of Egypt

The God-Kings

An ancient Egyptian creation myth tells how the god Osiris was sent by Re, the sun-god, to rule the country. The Egyptian believed that all pharaohs were god kings. The god-kings took part in many ceremonies. They had to dress, eat and even wash in a special way, and every day they went to the temple to offer food to their ancestors. People expected pharaohs to be physically strong, expert at hunting and able to lead the army to victory in battle. Their subjects thought the god-kings controlled the flowing and flooding of the Nile and the growth of crops, as well as the country's success in foreign trade. Everyone knelt and kissed the ground when they approached the royal person. The pharaohs continued to be worshiped even after they had died and joined the god Osiris in the kingdom of the dead.

Make of a pharaoh

Oval shapes containing hieroglyphs were called cartouches. Two of them make up a pharaoh's name. Cartouches have helped Egyptologists decipher the ancient Egyptian language.

The Great Royal Wife

Pharaohs' wives were also regarded as gods, and shared their husbands' wealth. A painted limestone bust of Queen Nefertiti shows her wearing a crown and necklace rich with jewels. Nefertiti was the wife of Akhenaten.  She helped him establish a new city at Amarna on the east bank of the River Nile in Middle Egypt. Women rarely ruled the country unless it was for a short time at the end of the dynasty when there were no men to take over Hatshepsut was the only strong woman ruler.

God-Kings of Ancient Egypt. Photo by Elena.

Did You Know?

When Queen Hutshepsut's husband died, she took over government and ruled for her stepson Tuthmosis III, who was only five. She held power for about 20 years. Statues show her wearing the false beard of kingship.

Court Visitors

Foreigners, such as this group from the Middle East, often appeared at the pharaoh's court. They came to offer gifts or to discuss trade agreement.

Choice of Crowns

Pharaohs might wear the white crown of Upper Egypt, the red crown of Lower Egypt, the double crown of a united Egypt, the atef crown of Osiris or the blue crown. There ar white crown, red crown, double crown, blue crown and atef crown. 

Comfort at Court

Slaves fanned the pharaohs and his wife on their comfortable cushioned thrones. The king held a crook and flail – symbols of power linking him to the god Osiris. He also wore a crown and a false beard.

Royal seat

Tutankhamun's wooden throne, covered in gold leaf, pictured the young king with his wife Ankhsensmon. 

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