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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Aquarius: Love

Aquarius: Love

Strengths: Spontaneous, natural, enjoyable.
Weakness: Flighty, superficial, unreliable
Interactive style: Lively, animated, particular.
The Aquarius First date, suggested activities

Aquarius first dates are, for the most part, lively and fun-loving. Not interested in hassles or complications, these colorful personalities just want to have a good time. An opportunity to get to know you better and possible deep involvements lie somewhere way down the tracks.

To stay on the rails with Aquarius first dates, you should offer a few choices of restaurants, bars, clubs, or concerts for them to pick from  Don »t be surprised if they have already decided what they want to do, probably five or ten minutes befor you see them. This is not a good idea to make fixed plans before hearing what they have to say at the present moment.

Aquarius first dates move very quickly, both mentally and physically, and they are hard to keep up with. Moreover, you had better take advantage of the first few seconds that you have their attention or have caught their eye, for they are apt to disappear rapidly in the crowd. Do not be surprised if, when trying to pick them up, they suddenly drop all interest in you and turn toward someone else at a party or other social gathering. These ephemeral creatures are hard to pin down, particularly on fist meeting unless the find you highly attractive.

With Aquarians, the fist date is likely to be the last unless you come up with something unusual. Bored with the same old routines,m Aquarius first dates expect a special experience; in particular, they want an activity tailored to their peculiar needs and wants. Listen carefully to what they say and make decisions accordingly if you want to survive the first fifteen minutes together.

Activities involving media and music or danging are good bets. Staring off with a quiet dinner by candlelight is not usually. Aquarians' speed – your romantic intentions toward them will be too blatant, and the time required to sit opposite you in one place will be excessive.

Their first dates are turned off by assumptions you make about them or any obviously practiced routines you fall into that demonstrate your inflexibility and unresponsiveness to their individuality.

Aquarius first dates will be startled and impressed if you can manage to take the lead in whirlwind style and sweep them off their feet. Avoid penny-pinching attitudes such as patting yourself on the back for finding such a good deal for food or entertainment. While respectful or your Aquarius first date's privacy be your liveliest self by flamboyantly leading the way to the next mutually pleasurable experience.

Aquarius first dates will be impressed by the more unusual aspects of your personality and behavior. If they find you truly funny, this is a big step in the right direction. Most Aquarius first dates will show little if any interest in a depressed, unhappy, or troubled personality.

Normally, a couple of bad looks or negative remarks are enough to send Aquarius first dates scurrying off in a flash. Thus if you are truly interested in them, avoid sending any negative signals that could be even remotely interpreted as a brush-off. Smiling, laughing, and above all responding to their light chatter are recommended. Avoid teasing them about their little idiosyncrasies and peculiarities.

If they are not interested, you may never get a second chance since Aquarius first dates can be quite unforgiving of a premature advance. It may work out much better for you to hang back and wait for them to make the first move or, at the very least, flash an unequivocal green light for you to do so.

Governed by the revolutionary planet Uranus, Aquarians tend to be modern, forward-looking individuals who are unusual and accepting of this quality in others. Illustration by Elena.

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