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Thursday, December 26, 2019

Lindsay – Chapter I

Lindsay – Chapter I

She sat calmly on the bench, contemplating the wonders of nature. The day was beautiful, it was mid-July, warm and sunny. Lindsay loved and appreciated the summer, as do many people, especially Northerners. She had lived in Canada for over 10 years, but was still unaccustomed to the cold winters, even though she came from a country that had cold winters too. She was born in London, United Kingdom.

Playing on her iPhone, she was almost addicted to downloading apps to her smartphone, she noticed a message from Martin. All the text message said was “Hi”. She liked Martin quite a bit, but those kind of messages irritated her immensely. The way she saw it was “either you write something substantial, or nothing at all”. However, there is nothing inherently wrong about writing “hi”, it’s just like saying “hi” before starting a conversation, but Lindsay differed from her peers in many ways.

Lindsay's blue and red flowers. Photo by Elena.

Physically she was your typical college student. Natural light brown hair, average height and weight, and deep blue eyes covered by glasses. She had contacts, but wore her glasses as a sign of achievement because it reminded her of all the books she read and all the hours she spent in front of a computer. She had two computers and three laptops, a good mix of Macs and PCs. Only one computer and her MacBook Pro still worked, but she held on to the rest, they had sentimental value and she was a bit of a hoarder.

But to get back to Martin’s message, she chose to simply ignore it. First, she knew he was going to attempt to communicate with her again, and second he was not the guy she anxiously waited to write to her, that gentleman’s name was Patrick. She had plenty of guy friends, but was not so secretly in love with Patrick. He knew, but he just didn’t care, as he was in love with Simone, an exchange student from France.

Lindsay in her dreams. Illustration by Elena

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