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Sunday, September 23, 2018

Gothic Architecture

Goth Subculture, Gothic Architecture and Gothika

The concept of Gothic art remains unclear. Gothic art may refer to sark fantasy art, vampire art or simply pictorials depicting macabre scenery, such as cemeteries and witchcraft. The goth subculture began in England in the 1980s and is notably related to rock bands, such as Joy Division and Bauaus. High schools are perhaps some of the first experiences one gets with segregation. Indeed, teenagers in high schools segregate themselves intro groups or crowds. Goths is an appellation often attributed to those who wear predominantly black clothing and wear black make-up. The cartoon South Park has a few Goth-themed characters.

Gothic is a style often attributed to culture and way of dressing. Likewise, it is a style of architecture. For example, in the way windows are done. Gothic architecture mostly refers to churches and cathedrals, particularly those constructed in Europe during the associated period. Many books have been written on the subject, subdividing the Gothic into other styles, such as the Burgundian Gothic style or the Rayonnant Gothic. An example of Gothic style architecture is the Saint-Dennis, Abbey Church in France. Also, Gothika is a horror movie starring the beautiful Halle Berry. In the film, she is haunted by ghosts.

All the pictures have been taken by Elena.
Bloor street in Toronto.
Facade of a church in Toronto.
Gothic view.

Gothic roofs.

Stone Church on Davenport road.
Casa Loma Gothic view.
Gothic buildings.
Gothic roofs of the University of Toronto.
34 Chestnut Park.
Gothic, just gothic.
Gothic window.
Gothic House.
Entance Gothic.
Toronto building.

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