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Sunday, September 23, 2018

The autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard

The autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard

The story of one of Starfleet's most inspirational Captains

By Jean-Luc Picard (edited by David A. Goodman)

New Paris was one of Earth's oldest and largest colonies, dating back before the founding of the Federation. It had a popualtion of over three million, and the planet had a wide viariety of populated ecosystems. When we arrived, Mazzara provided me with exact coordinates of the home where Laughton's ex-wife lived.

"Shouldn't we try to call first?" I said. "It seems strange to go in unannounced.""Laughtion's instructions were to do just that," 'azzara said. She doesn't have a communicator. Wants her privacy." Me showing up with no warning seemed to fly in the face of that desire, but I decided to follow orders.

I went to the transporter room. Anthony Mazzara was on duty. I gave him the coordinates.

"Kind of hard picturing fat Captain Laughton finding a wife," he said.

"Belay that," I said, and got on the transporter pad. There was no bottom to the depths the Mazzara boys would dive.

I beamed down to find myself in a lush ticket of trees and vines. I could hear a soft rain high above, but the canopy of leaves kept much of it from reaching me. It was a serene and beautiful environment.

How did you find me? (Photo by Elena).

I took out my tricorder and detected a structure not far away. There were no life-form readings, however. I moved through the thicket and in a few moments found a house, one story high, set in amongst the forest, made of indigenous wood and stone. It had a natural camouflage making it impossible to see until I was almost upon it. But my scanning for life-forms was still unsuccessful.

"Hands in the air," a woman's voice said, behind me. I did as she told me. The woman circled around me. She wore a long gown and a wide-brimmed hat, and held a large, formidable-looking rifle, aimed right at me.

"How did you find me? I knwo it wasn't that tricorder, I can fool those stupid things."

"Un... I'm from the Stargazer. Captain Humphrey Laughton..."

"Figured that loser would come bothering me," she said. "What does he want?"
"I'm very sorry to inform you..."

"Wait a minute..." she said, breaking out into an infectious smile. "You're Jean-Luc Picard... Oh my, it's been such a long time, and I didn't recognize you with all that hair." This caught me off guard. I'd never seen this woman before. But she obviously knew me. She lowered her rifle, so I dropped my hands.

"I'm sorry, you have me at a disadvantage," I said. "You know me? Her demeanor suddenly changed. She seemed slightly awkward with the situation, but also amused.

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