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Friday, January 11, 2019

Covert Recordings

Covert Recordings

Only Human by Sylvain Neuvel (excerpt)

File No. 2197 – News Report - Miranda Patel, BBC

Location: London, UK.

London is in chaos. Approximately twenty minutes ago, an all-too-familiar giant robot appeared in Regent's Park, mere steps away from the memorial honoring the victims of the first  alien attack nearly two decades ago. Moments later, two more materialized side by side in Trafalgar Square. While Londoners remained surprisingly calm in our previous encounters with the aliens, they are showing no such composure this time around. Mass panic has set in. There is looting across town. All the major roads are blocked. There have already been dozens of casualties, people trampled trying to evacuate their offices, vehicles plowing through crowds. The city has issued a statement asking people to stay in their homes and avoid the streets, bu the memory of those thousands of bodies lying on the pavements is still fresh in the minds of Londoners, and most will do anything to escape the - 

I am just told that more of these giant killers, a lot more, have appeared... everywhere. Reports continue to come in as we... It appears we are witnessing a full-scale alien invasion. New York, Washington. We are getting images from Washington now. There are four, no, five robots surrounding the White House.

Back to the UK, while Londoners are on the run, it is unclear where they can run to. We have a preliminary list of cities where metal giants have been spotted. Here we go: Aberdeen, Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Derby, Doncaster, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchaster, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, North Lanarkshire, Nottingham, Rotherham, Salford, Sheffield, Stockport, Stoke-on-Trent, Swansea, and York. As I said, this list is preliminary. We are getting continuous reports from... This is a picture of the Stockton Cricket Club in Stockton-on-Tees. As you can see, there seems to be nowhere to hide.

Sudden attack. Photo by Elena.

So far, no sign of the deadly gas that killed tens of millions. The aliens have not made their intentions known, but the sheer number of robots would indicate they are not on a mission of peace. Whatever their objective is, it would appear they will achieve it without resistance on anyone's part, as no state has darted to challenge the invader. It should come as no surprise since our last attempt at a military response right here in London had nothing but cataclysmic consequences. I believe I speak for anyone who has seen the crater that once was Madrid when I say that we should...

I am in shock. It has been only a few minutes, but already, the United States, and now the UK, have signalled their unconditional surrender to the aliens. Whether their message has been heard and understood remains to be seen, but – More reports of surrender. China – we do not have video at this time, but there are apparently over two hundred robots in China alone – China has just joined the growing list of countries to lay down their arms. We should hear from Her Majesty's Government on that subject shortly. I suspect the American capitulation will have a domino effect on other nations as well.

We can see – This is central London from above, and we can see smokestacks everywhere. There are fires erupting throughout the city. I am urging everyone to stay inside until the streets are safe again.

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