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Monday, January 14, 2019

Fight for Trump's America

The Fight for Trump's America

Trump's America: The Truth About America's Great Comeback by Newt Ginbrich

America is in the midst of a cultural-political civil war – a fight over our very identity as a people.

For decades, this conflict has been fought quietly in city halls, classrooms, school boards, courtrooms, town squares, and states houses across the country. However, the election of President Trump has clarified the battle lines in this struggle and elevated these individual fights into a united national conflict.

On one side of this conflict is a factional anti-Trump coalition – strange amalgam of radicals, liberals, globalists, establishment elites from both parties, and blatantly anti-American groups loosely held together y their hostility to and disdains for the president. On the other side is Trump's America – the millions of hardworking people who are united by respect for our foundational freedoms, traditional values, and history of limited commonsense governance.

Before the president rallied Trump's America and gave us a national voice, the various groups that would eventually form the anti-Trump coalition were winning on their own. For decades, they have meticulously undermined our traditions through politics and courts, entertainment and news media, and liberal schools and curriculum to quietly impose new worldviews on everyday Americans that are counter to our historic principles.

However, the tide turned after the 2016 presidential elections.

Here's the truth the mainstream media is hiding from you: Today, Trump's America is winning.

Sakura blossom. Photo by Elena.

Under President Trump, America is experiencing a great comeback. After nearly a decade of recession tepid job creation, our economy is booming. In addition, ISIS has been effectively destroyed, illegal immigration is down, our military is being rebuilt, and our veterans are getting the health care and support they deserve. The administration is achieving success across a variety of sectors daily.

Perhaps more important than these successes, however, is the reinvigoration of America's patriotic sense of self, which the rise of Donald Trump has awakened. Our country is being reconnected to our founding principles, the values that made America the greatest country in the world, and in doing so, is coming to understand just how destructive the last few decades of elite leadership have been to our freedom, prosperity, and safety.

Of course, the anti-Trump coalition is in complete denial about America's comeback under Trump. For them, it is incomprehensible that someone like President Trump, and the tens of millions of so-called deplorables who fervently support him, could be on the verge of reclaiming America.

Because the news media is fully a part of the anti-Trump coalition, its members will not accurately report what is happening in America under President Trump.

This is a major reason why I wrote this book.

Trump's America: The Truth About America's Great Comeback is intended as a resource for Americans who want the truth about the significant accomplishments President Trump has achieved in his first year-and-a-half in office.

It is also an attempt to describe the nature of the cultural-political conflict we are in and vividly explain the differences in values and principles between Trump's America and those who oppose it.

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